
I’ve been having dreams about pregnancy lately (I’m NOT pregnant). I don’t think they refer to a deep desire to be pregnant or my ticking biological clock; the time for babies is still far, far away for me. I’ve done a bit of research on the significance of pregnancy in dreams, and it seems that pregnancy dreams are generally very positive and represent a new beginning/new creation/growth in one’s life.

This explanation resonates with me right now. I’m about to become a fully licensed professional; I’m considering my future in a serious way, a way I’ve never really thought about things before. That’s one explanation. There may be another–the beginning on an awareness & participation in an intuitive life.

In the past week:
-I answered a very important Blocked-Caller ID Call (I never answer those as they are usually telemarketers).
-I almost collided with the UPS man I had just missed at Barefoot.
-I randomly turned towards a store I wanted to go to but didnt know existed.
-I guessed a unicorn was going to play a part at a store.
-I almost missed my turn while out of town, but didn’t realize it until I randomly took a turn.

I’m doing some research & exercises into getting more in touch with my intuition. Sounds too Woo-woo? Maybe; time will tell if I’m off my rocker or not. It can’t hurt anything…I’m already insane.

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