Looking out my Kitchen Window

I was recently reading Apartment Therapy’s post on warm and cool people (find by clicking here) and their design styles. I am definitely a warm person. Rob and I have created a home full of tchotchkes and things that make us smile. Our problems are weeding out stuff we don’t use and organizing the stuff we do use. (Rob may […]

Bird Mobile Redux

For my 30th Birthday, my best friend made me a very cool bird mobile from Spool. However, we took it apart for the ride home from Savannah, and when I tried to re-assemble, I couldn’t get the mobile to balance.

Fabric Striped Pillows

When my best friend got married, my mom wanted to get her something special. One day while wandering through Anthropologie, mama saw some fabric striped pillows that were very expensive! Mama ended up making pillows inspired by the anthro ones; hers were skillfully crafted, as opposed to the rough finish the anthro pillows were going for.

Our First Wedding Anniversary

On Sunday, April 19th, 2009, Rob and I our first wedding anniversary–the paper one. We were really lucky that some of our family members were able to come over to our apartment and celebrate with us. We made everyone try our year old cake, which was actually quite tasty. Click on the image for a larger view. When we cut […]

I Love Re-Mix Vintage Shoes

I thought that I would take the opportunity to show everyone to my favorite shoe company ever: Re-Mix Vintage Shoes. If you ever need to buy me a present, any of their shoes (in size 11-yay! they make 11) would be a perfect, though expensive, gift.

Snow in Little River

It wasn’t snowing when i got back from the gym this morning at 6:50am, but by the time I left for work at 7:30–it was coming down in Little River. I took some photos to document the whole thing because snow is so rare in this part of the world. The best was watching my cats. They’d never seen snow […]

Thrifty Find

Here’s the cool lamp I got at the Habitat Thrift Store in Ocean Isle, NC this weekend (for a pricey $10.00). It needs a new shade, but I’m totally in love with this one. Now–just have to find a place to put it.