After graduate school, I relished my new-found freedom from exams, papers, & projects. That time has now come to an end; I am in the middle of preparing to sit for my Landscape Architect Registration Exam. On October 14th, my two-year apprenticeship period was complete. On December 5th & 6th, I will be taking the hardest two sections of the exam–Site Planning & Grading. These sections of the LARE have a pass rate of around 36%; they are both drawing sections. Studying is taking up an increasing percentage of my time; it is the main reason my posts on julep have been so infrequent.
I love my job at Environmental Concepts and do not plan to leave anytime soon. Getting licensed as a landscape architect is just the last step of a process that began over 5 years ago when I began my MLA at UPenn. Everyone wish me luck; I promise to post A LOT more after the exam in December!
good luck!! 🙂
Good Luck!
do you have any study material that you can post?